Sunday, February 26, 2017

New Year, New Creative Burst

Well into the New Year, I know, but lately feeling more creative.

I found this bag pattern in a round about way:

I took my sewing machine for repair to a new place a few towns over. They have classes and I knew one of the women working there, so I looked up their classes online. The only one that looked interesting was one in a few months to make this Tulip Purse. I knew I couldn't wait that long and with a pattern I was sure I could do it without a class.
So I found the pattern for sale online, and bought a new 'backup' sewing machine. A Singer 7258 which I got for under $120 on an 'open box' deal. So far I'm very happy with it. It may not be as durable as the Bernina, but I still need to get it repaired as it needs a dealer.. I'll bring it in this week.

On the right is my first bag. So cute!
Pocket on the inside and the outside.
 Magnetic closure

Next I used some heavy upholstery fabric:

This one has a different fabric on the bottom and no pocket on the out side.

More upholstery fabric:

A really fun flocked material with elephants:

I think this one needs a little something more, I'm planning on beading to enhance the design. It actually looks a lot clearer in the photo than in person.

Very excited about this fabric combo! The plaid is a loose weave. I think it needs blue/aqua piping.

More in progress:

And SO MANY more ideas to come!