Thursday, June 19, 2014


I made this pendant by enclosing a disk of clay in matching wire. The relief image on the disk is a copy of the motifs on the dress. In person the purple color of the tree trunk is a better match. Too bad you can't see the tree on the dress better.
I'll try to take separate picture and add them here for a better look at the pendant with the very cute elephant, and the dress bodice.
I'm also thinking of making earrings from another of the motifs on the dress. Stay tuned!

Little Green Men

Saw a tutorial on these guys a while ago. Never thought it would be something I wanted to try... I feel like I'm saying this a lot lately... anyway, my brother's birthday was coming up and I thought I'd like to send him something hand made.... and this seemed like a project he might like.
So... I'd also seen another tutorial about an old witch's face out of clay and kind of followed what I remembered from that.
Here they are:

They certainly have their own unique personalities!
I think I'll try more of them and see if I can perfect it a bit. The second one is going to be a fridge magnet for my husband who really likes them although he thinks I put too much stuff and color on the first one.
There are 3 different leaf colors. A dark green mix (next time I'd do a Skinner blend first) with gold leaf on it, then 'crackled'  through the pasta machine; same color with more translucent and white added,; and some light green leaves I'd made a while back, intending to string them as jewelry, they looked great added to the darker colors.

Addition in 2016:
I've started 2 new Green Men. I'm thinking I might make a 2-sided one to hang in the new garden (see post in  May 2016).
I started with an 'ultralight' base:
 Sorry, there is no size reference... it is about 5" tall.

 Next I covered the base in a green/black blend and added features... using as a guide the witch face from  this You Tube video:
I tried making the face appear happier and more tranquil than the witch.... I also looked at this video.

Next, I made as bunch of different leaves. Some I had made a while ago, others I made from cane leftovers, some I made new. The variety was impressive and made a nice effect:
I like it but it seems a bit 'crowded' and I want to make some larger leaves that will stick out further to balance the large face...maybe in the ~NW and ~SE directions.
 One thing I had forgotten is that for the smaller ones, I'd set the face onto a base that was large enough to support the leaves so they could stick out away from the face more.
 I can fix this by putting the whole thing on a base layer and adding more leaves, and even use that base to attach a hanger of some kind.
I have a second ultralight base.... I was thinking I could put the two of them back to back and hang it from the 'teepee' so a face can be seen from 2 sides.
I need to make a lot more leaves for another face... maybe I could make them quite different.... stay tuned!