Sunday, May 29, 2016

New spiral garden

Just completed this tiered/spiral garden which has been in the planning stages for years!
The 'big snake' is an Alvin lift line which was used to haul the submarine out of the water by a huge A-frame winch on the R/V Atlantis .
My husband used to be an Alvin Pilot and he got these used and defective lift lines when the group no longer wanted them.
They are REALLY heavy and take a lot of muscle to move around.
 We have about 5 of them lining the driveway... you can see two of them in this picture.
The blue thing at the top of the spiral is a ceramic bird which is turned the wrong way in this picture. See below of a slightly better view.

We planted zucchini, cucumber, peas, and cantalope... all climbers.
The teepee arbor was made from a 4 stalked sasafrass we took down just for the purpose. It was getting big and would soon be shading the garden so we harvested it. I'll be adding more cross-pieces and twine to encourage the climbing.

Here's another shot of the entire 'farm' area:

 The garlic is coming up nicely and we've got 2 kinds of lettuce, 3 kinds of tomatoes, 2 kinds of peppers, broccoli, cilantro and parsley.
All is watered with a soaker system and surrounded by a simple wire fence. We're planning a nicer fence in the future.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring Burst

Well over a year ago, my husband helped me devise a rolling display stand. The base was an old office chair. It was a rectangular pillar of plywood waiting for my inspiration to decorate each side in a different theme.
Each side would get a mirror, a shelf, a fabric covered pouch, and 4 pegs to hang things on.
I got to the point where I'd covered three of the four pouches, I had the first side painted in a base coat(this is the 'winter' side which has snowflakes and hearts in pink and grey) but then got stuck.
I needed help attaching the mirrors and shelves. So recently my husband and I started doing just that. I ended up covering 3 sides!
Still many details to complete but the groundwork is laid and progress has been made.

Night(you can see the unfinished side on the right):


Last side will be 'Ocean' but no progress on the fabric pouch yet... maybe I should cover it with shells?

I've also been working on more bag designs. Here's the latest:

Really cute matching fabrics.
I used the tutorials here.
I really like the adjustable strap that goes with it.
I'm thinking of using the upholstery samples 10" squares might work great for a color blocked bag.

Finally today I'll share this T shirt. I used an old T-shirt of my husband's and cut off the neck band but retaining the binding at the back neck to reduce stretch.
Then I used my Sharpie marker and alcohol method to create the design, I am loving it!

The neckline came out really cool! I used blue vertical marks all around. The sleeves got a rainbow. One sleeve one way, the other sleeve the other way. The 'sun' design on the back bled through to the front and some of the blue at the bottom of the back looks like sea and clouds which are both really great effects. The flowers on the bottom of the front are really nice too and the whole things really looks amazing.... if I do say so myself. Better than expected. Now the trick is to keep the color from fading. If this were a garment I didn't want Sharpie to stay on I probably couldn't get it out, right?

Yesterday, I took an old black T shirt and took off the sleeves and sewed up the bottom to make a shopping bag. but I just got the idea to bleach-dye it! so stay tuned!