Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 1 - I am free

 Today is the first day of my 5 week leave of absence from my job!

I am excited to have the time to try to accomplish many of the goals I have been putting off due to every excuse known to man.
So far I have taken a walk and started some laundry.

This afternoon will involve continuing to empty my sewing/bead room so that my wonderful husband can start work on the improvements we've been talking about, and I have time during the next 5 weeks to do some creating along with the organizing.

First step is a counter top around more than half of the room.
but before that can begin, it needs to be emptied.

Here are some 'before' pictures:

Pretty Chaotic!

Before I go to make order out of chaos, a note on the effort required to add the photos above:
I have them on an SD card in my camera. I can look at them on my Linux laptop. But I wanted to stitch a few of them together. 10 years ago I loved a little program called 'Canon Photostitch' which did a great job making mosaics out of digital images. I looked for it and found some downloads but couldn't make Wine install the program... oh, and one of them was an update but not the program itself.
So... I recalled I had the SW on a CD from when I bought my camera! I dug into a cabinet full of electronic detritus, packaging, manuals, cables, connectors, etc. This is a 'future' project to get this cabinet organized but now half of the contents are all over the library so maybe the 'future' is closer than I think!
Anyway, I installed the program under Wine on my Linux laptop and.... it wouldn't run! Arg! And the kind folks on the Interweb tell me it won't work. Double Arg!
But, I have another identical laptop and both are dual boot, Linux/Windoze... so I booted the other one in Windoze. And installed the SW from CD and lo and behold, the SD card is NOT readable in Windoze on this laptop! I don't know if this is a new problem or not. I recall having difficulty using the SD card on one or both laptops in Linux but can't recall if I ever tried using it in Windoze.
But, not to be daunted, or further distracted from my task, I can think of at least 3 ways to get the files from the laptop where I can see them to the laptop running Windoze and Photostitch. I opted for 'the cloud'! I uploaded the files to my Amazon cloud and then downloaded them again on the Windoze box.
I stitched them together and uploaded the results to the cloud, then back to the Linux box to download the mosaics so I can upload them to this blog!
OK, that last part wasn't needed. I could have gotten the images from the cloud, I didn't have to download them... but it was quite a process!
I'll work on streamlining this process. Would probably have been easier to use a thumb drive but I wasn't sure exactly where one was.
OK, I'll go start organizing my life now instead of talking about it.

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